Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Projects Russian -Venezuela Cultural Exchange

Well, I have to say That I am very proud of the work of these two groups of students.  These are their findings (final presentations and blogs).

Isaac Elejalde

Jose Reyes

Please visit they blogs and leave them a comment..
Keep on shining love an peace!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Russian Venezuelan Project! Jan-Apr 2012

Russian Venezuelan Project!

We are meeting students from Russia again!!!..

1st meeting: March, 21st
  • Getting to know each other. Interviewing about family/friends, personal likes/dislikes, character traits.
  • Compare Venezuela and Russia: climate, cities, people, myths and stereotypes, why you are proud of your country, 3 things you like and 3 things you dislike about your country, places that are worth visiting.
2nd meeting: March, 28th
  • Watch the documentary: Project Home . Discuss it: How did the planet transform during time? what is happening with the balance in our planet? who or what is causing the planet to change? what are some of the consecuences? which one impressed you the most? what can we do to get balance back? •What ecological problems are typical for the place you live in? Do people do anything to deal with it? What do they do? Is it effective? How does pollution influence your life? Can you say that you live in technologic society? Is technology important for you? How? What brands are popular at your place? Are they available? Which technology is used in education?
3rd meeting: April, 11th
  • Hobbies: popular hobbies in the country, what books you read, what films you watch, what music you listen to (may be exchange some tracks), what sites you like on the web
  • Active Life: a sport you like to do or to watch, popular sport in the country, fans, extreme sports, dancing as a sport and as a hobby.  
Final project: April 18th
  • Groups present together in WIZIQ and SL

Venezuelan team: Jose, Javier, Isaak, Daniela and Raquel


From Venezuela: Issac and Javier
From Russia: Ivan, Julia

From Venezuela: Jose
From Russia: LeraZaisik

From Venezuela: Daniela and Raquel
From Russia: Arkady

Sunday, March 11, 2012

KP's Speech Class Ways to Organize a Speech

Hey, there!!! It's time for us to learn how to organize a Speech! So, let's watch the following video. Please, write some notes on your notebook or in your blog.

Find more videos like this on Storytelling and Song For English Language Learners

While you are watching. Think about how people process information, how much they can handle, how you make it interesting.

Now, answer the following questions:
1. What's chucking information?
2. How can you do it?
3. what are so ways to organize a speech?
4. What's a speech skeleton?

Let's practice get in couples and try to select a topic and Organize a speech following the tips in the video. be ready to present to class.

Keep on shining love and peace! Doris3m

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1st Term Assesment jan-apr 2012

Greetings, my dear students! We got to the end of this term. It's been interesting. Hope you guys have found what we shared benefitial to your career.

1st Term Assesment

1st term test: 10 pts
Blog posts: 10 pts

Blog Posts:

1.  About blogging. Write a post following the task here:

2.  Unit 1. Introducing yourself. Write a welcome post about you and a friend of your class:
Include a mind map of your intro. Record your introduction at Discussion » Doris3m EFL Center. Introduce yourself!

3. Unit 2. Write a post on your blog with your opinion about beauty.  Debate position.. what was your take? (Reading are you good looking?).  Record your description and opinion about beauty at

4. Unit 3. Write a post about your opinion on technology....What's our favorite gadget? Record your comment here: Reading: The Touchy-Feely Future Of Technology. . Record your opinion about technology
5. Second Life. Write a post about your experience on SL. What's your avi's name? Post a picture of the avi and keep a record of the activities you have participated in. Our meeting point in sl is
Well, have fun and keep on shining Love and Peace!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bloggers Jan-Mar 2012

Welcome Bloggers to a new adventure on learning and sharing in English!

Isaac Elejalde
Javier Mejias
Daniela Machado
Carlos Palomares
Jose Reyes  JARB86
Rosa Nava
Raquel Domingo

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First class in the lab! jan-Mar 2012

Last class we discussed what blogs are. We worked on the following questions:

Have you read a blog before? Do you have a favorite blog. Share your favorites if you have some. What do you notice about blog format? What’s the writing like? What about the use of photos and other images? How does a blogger make a blog unique? How can blogs help you improve your command of English?

You were supposed to search the web for three blogs related to something you like very much or your field of expertise. Write a post on your blog about it? add images and links to your choice of blogs.

Also, we worked on getting a blog and learning basics things like adding images, links, videos and finding information in English. Use this model to help you write a welcome post...  

Finally, we tried to get in world in Second Life... write a post on your blog about your avatar!!! What's your avi's name? add a photo.. tell of your first experience in SL.

Well, that was an interesting class... hope you have had fun!

Keep on shining Love and Peace!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blogging Tips

These are wonderful tips on how to blog. Please check them out for a better blogging experience. They are in English, yes... try to read.. you will be surprised on how much you will understand. These are the guidelines to evaluate yourself.

Now, a little bit about blogs...

Spend time exploring blogs together. Have you read a blog before? Do you have a favorite blog. Share your favorites if you have some. What do you notice about blog format? What’s the writing like? What about the use of photos and other images? How does a blogger make a blog unique? The audiences for blogs vary. Some are intended for a broad audience, such as a sports figure who blogs for fans. Other blogs may be more personal and intended only for a few close friends. Others are for educational purposes. 

Getting Started with Blogger

Blogging Information Sheet

Common Blog Features

Blogger Entries and Comments

Online Commenting Guidelines

Think before you post!

Before you write a comment and post it, don't forget to think. You may want to use WORD to write and edit your comment. If you do so, you will have a chance to re-read your comment before you copy and paste it to the blog. This will give you the opportunity to think again about what you have just written before you actually post it. I also suggest you preview your comment before you publish it.

Watch the following video....

What did you learn from it? Is it a good advice?
Well, hope all these material will help you to be a great blogger!

Keep on shining love and peace!
Dr. Doris Molero

Blogging tips taken from  ReadWriteThink
Think before you post by Eduardo Lina 
Video: Internet photos by

Class Details Jan-March 2012

Class Details 

Mornings and afternoon School
4-year University
Credits 2.0 credits / 3.0 hours Required course
Course Type: For Academic Trimester
Level taught:Level 6
Group taught:G611
Office located: ESL Center - Dirección de Ingles. Building F 1rst Floor

Instructor: Dr. Doris Molero de Martins
E-mail address:
Facebook: Doris Molero
Twitter: doris3m
Second Life: Pionia Destiny
Virtual Office Hours Monday through Friday 8 - 9 pm

Course Description
This course focuses on classroom activities, during which students will discuss, read, listen to and write on particular topics together. Ideally, the course will enable students to develop and express their own insights and experience with respect to different aspects of the English as a foreign language. At the same time the course wants to integrate technology as a way to help students in their multiliteracy development and the learning of a new language.

Course Objectives
1. To encourage students’ critical thinking on the relationship between language and culture.
2. To encourage students' oral and written exchange and interaction
3. To use web 2.0 tools to learn EFL and multiliteracies.
4. To participate in international collaboration communities or social networks.

Evaluation Criteria&Grading
First term= 10 + 10 pts   30%
Second term= 10 + 10 pts   30%
Project presentations + Attendance, Homework, Quizzes and Class participation = 10 + 10 pts   40%
** Bonus tasks get  extra credits

Course Requirement& Attendance Policies
1. Active participation in classroom discussions and activities is expected from all students.
2. Cell phones and beepers should be turned off in class.
3. Being more than 15 minutes late will be counted as an absence.
4. More than three unexcused absences will result in a failing grade.
5. No make-up presentations will be permitted, except in case of documented emergency.

Materials to be used
Hand outs and online materials
Headphone and a microphone
Pen drive/mobile phones
Computers/ internet

Online references Online references will be published on the Blog

Reading Task: The Touchy-Feely Future Of Technology.

Hello, there! Welcome to our Technology Unit Task. This time we are reading an article called The Touchy-Feely Future Of Technology. To get started, get in groups or in pairs and be ready to participate actively in the activity. Copy this activity and the article in a word document. Upload it to google docs, and share it with your partners.

Before you read.
Read the tittle of the article and discuss it with your partner. Write little notes on your notebooks. Draw mindmaps.
1. Visit the following link: The Touchy-Feely Future Of Technology. Look at the title and the photo in the page.
2. Now, What do you think the article is going to be about?

While reading.
Discuss the following questions. Write notes. Underline new words. Make a list of words related to technology.

Part 1
Who's Bill Buxton and what he did to help shape the future?
What was he trying to do before he did what he did?
What helped him do it?

Part 2
What are some literature examples that support the idea of a flat, personal computer shaped like a book has actually been around for a long time?

Part 3
What are Four Ways Technology Will Change Our Lives In The Future?

Part 4
How iPads Are Changing The Classroom?

Part 5
What are some concerns of hospitals in the use of tablets?

Part 6
What's The Fantasy Of Touch they talk about in the article?

Part 7
According to Buxton what's The Next ‘Bingo’ Moment? watch the video and describe some of this surface features at

After reading.
Now, after reading it and discussing it with your classmates. It's time for you to tell and write about it. Write a post in your blog. Use these questions: What was the article about? What did you like the most about it? what's your opinion about it  and what are some new words and expressions you found in it? You can add images, links and videos to your post.

Finally, record your opinion here