Monday, March 24, 2008

Unit 6. Cartoons!

Cartoons or anime? what is the difference?

Read the following discussion:

How To Draw A Cartoon Man

For more on cartoon drawing go to Videojug
Now want to draw with a MAESTRO...? Watch the following video and learn to draw birds and bulls... really easy.. So, let's watch The MAESTRO in action

‘Visite à Picasso’ (1950) 20m, dir. Paul Haesaerts A poetic treatment which includes the artist painting on glass while facing the camera, shot at Picasso's home in Vallauris, accompanied by some fairly moody organ music in this very dark, but captivating film. The artist here takes on the character of an eminence-grise, an alchemist engulfed in the "sol y sombra" of his laboratory-studio, filmed in gorgeous black and white.

This item is part of the collection: Academic Film Archive of North America

Now, if you were a super hero ... which one would yo be? Take the super heroe quiz and find it out.

Here we have a look at some concepts and comics that are important to know to help us decide how we are going to create a cartoon a fun project....

Well, this is something really fun! Imagine you can create your own cartoons. Let's do that just for fun. Go to and try to design a cartoon. First, write a short conversation with two characters. Next, start designing your cartoon. Just follow the instructions. Don't forget to send me your cartoon by email.

Here is another great place to design your cartoon...Witty Comic

This is a bonus task to get extra credits for your 2nd term.

Keep on shining!

Sources: Internet Archive , make Beliefs Comix, Video Jug

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